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Prompt Engineering


Enigmatica were the original beta testers for ChatGPT in November 2023 and have been involved in the Large Language Model AI scene since AI writing tools such as Jasper were known as Jarvis. Even consulting with the Bank of England on a Citizen Adviser level since 2016 in AI matters.

What We


Engrammic Prompt Engineering

Engrammic Prompt Engineering is a style of prompting entirely unique to Enigmatica. 

If "super prompts" or "hyper prompts" are the "Business Class" of the Prompt Engineering and AI world, then Engrammic Prompting is the equivalent of sitting in the Millenium Falcon.


Black ICE Prompt Defense

Also known as the Knightfall Protocol, our Black ICE Prompt Defense boast a 100% success rate of deterring all Prompt Injection attacks.


Prompt Injection attacks can potentially destroy businesses. They can expose confidential data and files, or manipulate your existing AI to behave in illegal ways or ways that cause reputational damage. It's a risk that business absolutely shouldn't take.


True Award Winning Prompts

Enigmatica is the proud recipient of the LinkedIn Top Voice Award. Which only 300 people hold per year out of a billion users.

Enigmatica were the first in the world to win it, specifically for Prompt Engineering.


Prompts Trusted by Authorities

Our Prompts and Newsletter prompts have been used, seen, and loved from businesses and organizations across the world, including the United States government, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, J.P Morgan, Vanguard, and more just to name a few.


H+ Detection System

The first time Enigmatica found itself in the news, it was beacuse we made a ChatGPT-based personality in in the first half of 2023 that diagnosed illnesses in a friendly, accurate, and conversational manner.

The second time Engimatica found itslef in the centre of discussions within the AI Community, it was after the release of Don Frankolini. Which used our H+ Detection System. The H+ Detection System detects exactly what the user needs, then gives the best possibile AI personality - out of a near-infiinte amount of personalities - to execute the users request. A style of prompting never seen by the world before.

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